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This is my personal page. Here you will find information about me and, from time to time, some blog posts about topics that interest me – tipically about Machine Learning, Statistical Physics, Bayesian Inference, and functional programming or sofware related stuff in general – and a few comments on other topics. Most of the posts are in English, but some things in Portuguese might pop out every now and then.
Managed teams of data scientists and software engineers developing Machine Learning software. Responsible for people management, communicating with upper management and clients, reporting results, influencing good technical practices and technical excelence, discussing new projects with business and product teams, generating and evaluating new opportunities.
Engaged with new technologies and research in Machine Learning to evaluate applicability in innovative projects. Applied bleeding-edge research algorithms into transactional datasets, credit modelling, marketing. Provided tech leadership to a distinguished team of top tier data scientists.
Head of both data science and business inteligence initiatives. Lead a team of interns on BI tasks serving other teams, while developing algorithms for transaction classification and credit scoring from transactional data.
Tech Lead of recommender system team. Developed and improved a contextual recommender engine on two research fronts and built a bayesian contextual bandit algorithm to select recommendation strategies.
Developed methods for improving geolocated search, a proof-of-concept recommender engine and several techniques for record linkage.
Did my Ph.D. Research in Statistical Mechanics of Complex Systems
Thesis: Topics in statistical physics of complex systems.
Thesis: Inter-subband spin-orbit coupling in semiconductor heterostructures.
My academic publications.